Monthly Archives: September 2014

New Year, New Skill – I’m Walking!

On September 25, 2014 (Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year) I took my first real steps at a little over sixteen months old.  That weekend we went to Quackles to buy my first pair of “real” Stride Rite shoes. I’m already trying to run, although I haven’t quite mastered walking yet … and Mommy and Daddy predict it will be another month before the calluses on my knees are gone!

16 Months

On September 22, 2014 I turned sixteen months old.  This was a month of pretty major transitions, and a few illnesses.

On August 28, 2014, just after I turned 15 months old, I caught the Cocksackie virus from my friends at daycare.  I had a pretty high fever (over 102 even after taking Motrin) which made me feel pretty yucky.  That fever broke, but it was followed by a rash.  Strangely enough the rash never appeared on my hands, feet, or mouth, but was instead mostly located on the backs of my thighs.  I subsequently wound up with an ear infection (which has become typical for me … it’s my third ear infection already!)

And while I am surely picking up germs at daycare, I’m also picking up … ladies!  I found my first girlfriend this month and her name is Azalea.  Of course I cannot pronounce Azalea, so I call her “Ah-ya-ya.”  She’s a worldly older woman – two whole days older than I am!  According to my teachers at school, I am pretty taken with Azalea, and I even call out for her when I wake up from my naps.

I gave up my final nighttime bottle this past month (my very last one was on September 10, 2014) so I have been working on establishing a new bedtime routine.  Now I put on my jammies and read books with Mommy and Daddy while I brush my teeth.  I get very excited about reading my “bees,” and ask for another after another after another!  I love reading Sandra Boynton’s Moo, Baa, La La La, and I like to participate in the reading.  If you say “Moo,” I’ll respond “Baa, La La La!”  Similarly, I like to help Mommy and Daddy count, and when they say “One,” I say “Douuu” (two).  I have about 25 words total now (new ones include: all gone, YaYa, cracker, ta-da, in, bye, Mimi, Opa, and wow).

Oh yeah, and I am almost walking.  Stay tuned – I think I’ll finally get it this month!

Current likes:  My books!  Pat the Bunny; Pat the Zoo; and Moo, Baa, La La La are special favorites

Current dislikes: Cocksackie virus


This is the face of a lady-killer

This is the face of a lady-killer

Apple Picking at Beak & Skiff

This past weekend I went apple picking in Syracuse – it was awesome!  I especially loved the tractor ride out to the orchard.