Monthly Archives: August 2014

15 Months

Well here I am, a quarter of the way through my second year already!  I’m still healthy and strong – at my fifteen month appointment I weighed 24 pounds 12 ounces, and was 31.25 inches tall.  While my height and weight have plateaued a bit, my head circumference still tops the charts, at 19.5 inches.

I’ve adjusted really well to my new daycare, and they even report that I’ve figured out how to “blow kisses” to them.  I can also correctly point to eyes, noses, mouths, buttons, and watches on command.  I have other gestures and some baby signs (like the one for “more”), but mostly I like to chat out loud.  I have about 15 words that I use correctly all the time.  My new ones are tree (“dee”), book (“bee” or “booka booka booka”), hi dude, uh-oh, and sky.

I now have all four of my one year molars, as the top two came through on July 31, 2014, shortly after I turned 14 months.  I like to feed myself fruits (strawberries, raspberries, and mandarin oranges are favorites), cheese, peanut butter and jelly, scrambled eggs, and some other foods.  I still have one bottle of milk before going to bed at night, but I’ll be giving that up now that I’m a big fifteen-month-old.

I took my very first steps on August 9, 2014, but it’ll take a lot more time and effort before I’m able to walk unassisted.  So for now I’m practicing to defend my title as the fastest crawler on the East Coast!

Current likes: feeding myself (as long as it’s one of ten pre-approved items)

Current dislikes: diaper changes, walking

Buckled up for safety!

Oh, hi!