There was a lot of change in the air this past month! I started my new daycare on June 30, 2014, moving from a group home setting where I was the only baby, to an infant room at a daycare center where I will have five little friends exactly my age. With the daycare move I simultaneously went from taking two naps per day (at 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.) to one longer nap around noon time.
I’ve also given up all my daytime bottles. I don’t like drinking milk out of a cup, so I really only have 8 ounces of milk per day now, in my one remaining nighttime bottle. I’m not crazy about self-feeding yet (with the exception of yogurt melts, puffs, and other snack foods), so Mommy and Daddy were pretty excited to discover that I’ll pick up grilled cheese bites and strawberries.
I’m not walking yet, but I’m making some strides in that direction, standing and balancing and cruising around on the furniture. I stood unassisted for several seconds for the first time on June 26, 2014 and figured out how to climb the stairs on all fours two days later.
I’m a little chatterbox, and although I only have about 10 “real words” – new ones include lights (“yights”), “papa,” and “off” – I like to practice reading books by holding them up and unleashing a stream of gibberish. I also like to play games, and initiate peek-a-boo a lot with my blankie in the mornings.
Current likes: sharing everything, the B-I-N-G-O song
Current dislikes: teething canines (I got my lower left on on July 20, 2014) – even worse than molars!
- So excited for eating!
- Ey, de? Digga, digga, digga …
- Mmmmm!