Well, we made it to a year! As of my first birthday I weigh 24.6 pounds and am 30 inches long, and my head circumference is still 19.25 inches. That means that I’ve gained a total of 16 pounds and 8.75 inches since my birth a year ago.
My vocabulary has recently expended to include four words that I say consistently, and with intention: kitty (“gkeeh gceh”), car (“cgah”), ball (“bahh”), and bubbles (“buh-buh”). In addition to that, I’m a terrific mimic, and can parrot pretty much anything that is said to me, including phrases. On my birthday I repeated “Hi Papa” to my Papa Steve, much to his pleasure. I know how to work that guy!
I’m not walking yet, but am pulling myself up like a pro, and lowering myself back to a sitting position with more control than I used to have. The next step will be exactly that – taking steps! So far I haven’t shown much interest in cruising the furniture, but I’ll get there on my own Jack time!
I’ve added some new gestures to my repertoire, as well. In addition to waving and doing a high-five, I can also respond to the question “how big is Jack?” by putting my arms up. And if you ask me to clap, I do my own unique interpretation. I begin by clapping the front of one hand on the back of the other, and then slowly migrate up my arm until I am clapping my own elbow (think of the “I Dream of Jeannie” pose, and you get the idea). I also FINALLY decided I was willing to hold my own bottles, and regularly started doing so on May 20, 2014.
Speaking of eating, I officially began drinking cow’s milk on my first birthday. That’s the day I had my first taste of cake, too! Mommy made mini-cupcakes to send in to daycare, and although I was initially skeptical, I am now a cake convert – yum! About a week after my birthday, on May 31, 2014, we held my first birthday party. Everybody came over to my house to celebrate and to watch me very delicately smash a cake – it was great! Auntie De documented the festivities so we’ll remember them for years to come!
Current likes: the dryer ball, the kitty, watching traffic go by, flipping light switches on and off, and blowing bubbles
Current dislikes: my swollen back gums (hurry up, one year molars!)
- My family
- Candy bar
- Want some cake, Mom?
- Beverage station
- Hooray for cake!
- That caterpillar sure was hungry.
- Pausing for a snack
- Hey, frosting is pretty good …
- Strawberry shortcake – delicious!
- Yum!