The eleventh month of my life has seemingly flown by, since I’ve figured out how to move around! On March 28, 2014 I discovered how to get from my tummy to a sitting position, and then shortly thereafter moved on to crawling. In no time at all I’ve gone from my first tentative forward motions to full steam ahead, giggling and sticking my tongue out of the side of my mouth as I race across the floor! Daycare also reported that I pulled myself to a standing position on April 15, 2014, but it was a little while longer before Mommy and Daddy saw me consistently do this at home.
I celebrated my first Passover and Easter this past month, although I wasn’t terribly impressed with either the gefilte fish or the ricotta cheese pie. I’m still taking four bottles each day, in addition to eating 16-20 ounces of purees and assorted yogurt melts and puffs. I love puffs and yogurt melts, but I’m not very adventurous with other table foods, and usually inspect them with a look of disgust before depositing them on the floor, where they belong. There’s no official eleven-month weigh-in, but at a recent visit to the doctor I weighed 24.6 pounds, so I’m big and healthy!
My favorite part about Easter was probably my trip to the playground! On April 19, 2014 I got to ride on a swing for the very first time and it was, well, delightful. I squealed and laughed and pumped my little arms up and down with pleasure. I think Mommy and Daddy are going to have to get me a swing set sometime soon!
The trip home from Easter involved a very long car ride, which I handled like a champ. I entertained myself by giving my mom “high-fives,” which I discovered how to do a day or two before my eleven month birthday. I can wave “bye-bye” also, and I usually give my Daddy a wave every morning when he leaves for work. He’s my favorite wave target … I’ll always wave at him, but it’s more like a 50% chance that I’ll wave at anyone else.
Current likes: Moving!! (on a swing, on the ground, anywhere!)
Current dislikes: Anything that prevents me from moving. Especially a diaper change!
- So happy to have my crabba-dabba!
- Oh, hi, Daddy!
- You wanted me to hold this up? Nah.
- Here, Mommy, you take the hedgehog!
- Did you get my good side?