It’s getting harder and harder for Mommy to get pictures of me next to my chalk board each month, as I’m increasingly mobile! The day of my ten month birthday (March 22) I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees and began rocking back and forth for the first time, so it’s only a matter of time before I become a real crawler.
There is no official ten month weigh in, but Mommy’s unofficially saying I weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 pounds. I’ve got a whole lot of teeth, too! Eight (four on the top, four on the bottom), if you count the two bicuspids poking through up top. I love to use my new teeth, especially to feed myself yogurt puffs and other little finger foods. I’ve become a more adventurous eater, trying some of Mommy’s foods when we go out to eat. One night I had some of the tofu from her miso soup, and although I liked it, I got hives all over my right shoulder and arm, so I may be allergic to soy!
I’m increasingly figuring out how to play, both with toys and other people. I love nothing more than putting things into a bucket and then pulling them back out again, and trying to stack my plastic rings. If I’m playing with a toy and you ask me for it (“can Daddy have?” or “for Daddy?”) then I’ll gladly put it into your hand and share it. Sometimes I’ll even try to feed it to you. I’ve also developed the habit of tilting my head waaaaay to the side to try to get people’s attention when I’m looking at them. And speaking of getting some attention, on March 15 I finally figured out how to say “Mama.” I don’t exactly say it with intention yet, but somebody sure was glad to hear those sounds.
Current likes: sharing/stacking my toys, tilting my head, and rocking back and forth on my hands and knees
Current dislikes: hives
- These are my modeling moves – over the shoulder …
- Kind of digging tummy time, but ready to move now!
- My curious head tilt
- Not my best hair day, if we’re being honest …
- Everything is so delightful!
- Don’t mind the mess behind me!
- Moments before I hurl myself onto my hands and knees
- About to crawl … any day now!
- You’ve got to try these. Delicious.
- Hulk smash!
- I’m coming for you, chalk board!