Like Father, Like Son

As you’ll see from this picture, I’m exactly like my Daddy in that I can almost always be found inexplicably missing a sock.  This drives Mommy crazy on laundry day!

Oh, what’s that you ask?  Why am I sitting in a large tote bag?  Well, the answer to that is simple.  Since there’s no official eight month pediatrician visit, Mommy and Daddy were curious as to how much I weigh now.  Instead of waiting for my nine month check-up, they turned to Opa, who suggested (you guessed it) a luggage scale.  After zeroing the scale with the tote bag attached, they plunked me in it and promptly ascertained that I now weigh a hair over 22 pounds.

Another fun fact for you – just after this picture was taken (January 26, 2014) , I uttered my first truly spectacular string of babbling.  Up until now I’ve been mostly a squealer/coo-er, and Mommy had begun to fret about it.  But don’t worry, Mommy!  I’ve been making up for lost time and since I started talking I haven’t stopped.

Does this count as a carry-on sized piece of luggage?

Does this count as a carry-on sized piece of luggage?

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