On January 22 I turned eight months old! I’m such a happy little guy, and I’m so suggestable that I crack a smile and start to giggle if those around me make laughing noises. Over the past month I’ve really come around on the whole issue of tummy time, and I no longer scream like a banshee when I’m placed on the floor. Although I can’t scoot or crawl yet, I am pretty good at pivoting on my stomach, so I can spin in a circle to reach the toys I want. Baby steps on the path to mobility!
My first top tooth first appeared on January 5, with the second one following closely thereafter. I’m making good use of my chompers … since I’ve been eating purees for four months now, I’m pretty much a pro! I eat three meals of solid food per day (4 oz of yogurt and apples or banana for breakfast, 4 oz of carrots and green beans for lunch, and 4 oz of sweet potatoes and peas for dinner). I have 28 oz of milk, too (four 5 oz bottles throughout the day, and an 8 oz bottle at nighttime). On January 12, my parents tried to feed me pureed chicken. No thank you! I’m also not really interested in table food or feeding myself yet, apart from the occasional mum mum.
Current likes: People making laughing noises, picking things up and dropping them (repeatedly), and peekaboo games.
Current dislikes: Chicken, and teething!
- Eat your hearts out, ladies
- Little gentleman in a big chair
- This is what happy looks like
- Moments later, I was sock-less
- Check out the bottom teeth!
- I’m how old?
Hello Jack,
Please thank your parents for these wonderful updates. Your Great-Gramma Jo thinks you are a cute baby, as do I.
Love you!
Annie Frannie