Monthly Archives: January 2014

Like Father, Like Son

As you’ll see from this picture, I’m exactly like my Daddy in that I can almost always be found inexplicably missing a sock.  This drives Mommy crazy on laundry day!

Oh, what’s that you ask?  Why am I sitting in a large tote bag?  Well, the answer to that is simple.  Since there’s no official eight month pediatrician visit, Mommy and Daddy were curious as to how much I weigh now.  Instead of waiting for my nine month check-up, they turned to Opa, who suggested (you guessed it) a luggage scale.  After zeroing the scale with the tote bag attached, they plunked me in it and promptly ascertained that I now weigh a hair over 22 pounds.

Another fun fact for you – just after this picture was taken (January 26, 2014) , I uttered my first truly spectacular string of babbling.  Up until now I’ve been mostly a squealer/coo-er, and Mommy had begun to fret about it.  But don’t worry, Mommy!  I’ve been making up for lost time and since I started talking I haven’t stopped.

Does this count as a carry-on sized piece of luggage?

Does this count as a carry-on sized piece of luggage?

Winter Wonderland

The weekend of January 25-26 Mommy and Daddy brought me back up to Syracuse in the midst of a snowstorm, and I got to take my first ride on a sled!  I wasn’t sure about it at first, but the faster they pulled me, the more I began to smile …

What's with the white stuff, Mom?

What’s with the white stuff, Mom?

8 Months

On January 22 I turned eight months old!  I’m such a happy little guy, and I’m so suggestable that I crack a smile and start to giggle if those around me make laughing noises.  Over the past month I’ve really come around on the whole issue of tummy time, and I no longer scream like a banshee when I’m placed on the floor.  Although I can’t scoot or crawl yet, I am pretty good at pivoting on my stomach, so I can spin in a circle to reach the toys I want.  Baby steps on the path to mobility!

My first top tooth first appeared on January 5, with the second one following closely thereafter.  I’m making good use of my chompers … since I’ve been eating purees for four months now, I’m pretty much a pro!  I eat three meals of solid food per day (4 oz of yogurt and apples or banana for breakfast, 4 oz of carrots and green beans for lunch, and 4 oz of sweet potatoes and peas for dinner).  I have 28 oz of milk, too (four 5 oz bottles throughout the day, and an 8 oz bottle at nighttime).  On January 12, my parents tried to feed me pureed chicken.  No thank you!  I’m also not really interested in table food or feeding myself yet, apart from the occasional mum mum.

Current likes: People making laughing noises, picking things up and dropping them (repeatedly), and peekaboo games.

Current dislikes: Chicken, and teething!

Carousel Time

The weekend of January 18, 2014, I went up to Syracuse to visit Grammy and Opa, and experienced my first carousel ride!  I liked it so much, I actually went for a second one.  Even Opa got in on the action …

Mum Mums – Yum Yum!

Look at me, feeding myself!  Ever since early- to mid-January, Mommy’s discovered that (much like a puppy) I’ll do tricks for praise.  And if you squeal “yay” and clap when I put a mum mum cracker in my mouth, then I’ll take a bite of it.  So far the mum mum is the only thing I’ll feed myself (I’ll eat a puff if you put it in my mouth, but I can’t get it in there on my own!)

Mum mum