Milestone Watch: Sleeping in My Crib!

For the first three months of my life I adamantly refused to sleep flat on my back, so I spent my nights snuggled in the Rock ‘n’ Play in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom.  At four months, I transitioned to a Pack ‘n’ Play (still in their room).  At the five month mark, they evicted me to my own room, but kept me in my Pack ‘n’ Play.  And I’m happy to report that as of December 8, 2013 (shortly after my six month birthday) I began sleeping in the beautiful crib made for me with love and care by my Great Uncle Steve!

I put myself to sleep like a big boy each night by holding and stroking Miss Els (my stuffed elephant mini-blankie and BFF for life).  I think Mommy’s handling it pretty well, but she’s also running a very sophisticated video surveillance program out of her bedroom!

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