Happy six months to me! I turned half a year old on November 22, and my Mommy and Daddy decided to mark the occasion with my very first professional photo shoot – done by Mary Nichols Photography. I think she really captured my chubby cheeks, and my face-splitting smile! And since she is a consummate professional, she didn’t even blink an eye when I peed all over her rug.
I’m doing much better with sleeping through the night, since my parents moved me to a pack ‘n’ play in my own room a few weeks ago. Although one or two night wakings are still routine for me, it’s a much more livable situation for everyone now that I’m not up every hour or two during the night looking for comfort feedings!
In other news, I weighed 20 pounds exactly at my six month doctor’s appointment; I was 27.25 inches long, and my head was 18.5 inches in circumference.
Current likes: Sitting unassisted in my high chair, making gurgling noises in the back of my throat, and grabbing my feet (an endless source of entertainment!)
Current dislikes: Loosing my balance and tipping over while sitting (it startles me!) Guess I need some more practice!
The cutest baby of all time!
This just pinged my site. Love the post!!! He is so fun! Glad I was able to see him again.