Monthly Archives: September 2013

4 Months

Hard to believe it’s been four months already!  I’m quite the little gentleman these days, and still measuring big … at my four month doctor’s appointment I weighed 17 lbs 12 oz, was 26 inches long, and had a 17.5 inch head circumference.

Current likes include: my receiving blankets (which I like to pull up to my face and squeal into), my stuffed elephant Ellie, being held up high, bouncing in my jumperoo, and sucking on my first finger.

Current dislikes include: four month vaccinations (ouch!) and sleeping through the night.

Weekend Play Time

Now that I have pretty good neck control, I’ve discovered that I like sitting in my Bumbo chair and playing with all my toys.  Mommy’s pretty happy about this, because it gets me off of my back (I still hate tummy time!)  When I do tolerate tummy time, it’s usually because I have a yummy toy near by to snack on …