Monthly Archives: August 2013

3 Months

I’m a big three month old!  I’m increasingly engaging with the world around me, and charming the pants off of all those I encounter (my pants, for the record, are those of a 6-9 month old!).  At my last doctor’s appointment I weighed in at a whopping 16 pounds and 12 ounces, was 25 inches long, and my head circumference was 16.5 inches.  I’m a sturdy little guy – between the 75th and the 90th percentile for all my measurements.

Current likes: putting things in my mouth (particularly my hands), reaching for toys, laughing, showering with mom and dad, drooling, and pooping every chance I get.

Current dislikes: napping or sleeping through the night flat on my back.

Bull Family Reunion

Last weekend I went with my Mom, Grammy, and Great Aunt Lin to the 146th Annual Bull Family Reunion and Picnic at the Bull Stone House in Orange County, NY (I am an 11th generation Bull on my Grammy’s side).  The picnic was fun, and I even won a blue ribbon for being the youngest cousin in attendance!  That ribbon tasted delicious, in case you were wondering.

Mobility Issue Solved!

Sometimes it’s tough not being able to hold your own head up, let alone walk around unassisted.  Fortunately, I have found that my Opa offers an incredibly comfortable ride, and that I can even steer him left and right be squeezing on his hands like joysticks.  It worked for Krang, right?