Monthly Archives: July 2013

2 Months

Well here I am at two months … looking less like a newborn and more like a little boy every day.  According to my pediatrician I now weigh 14 lbs, am 24 inches long, and have a head circumference of 16.5 inches.

My current likes include: smiling at my parents and telling them “Ah-goo,” sleeping through the night (which I did for the first time on July 18th), and the blinking star on my play mat.

Current dislikes include: two month vaccines (ouch!), getting out of a warm bath, gas cramps, and “tummy-time” (an activity that causes me to transform into a rage monster).

Here I am – a vision in stripes!

Cousin Time

Spent the weekend with my cousins: Isaac (8), Zeke (7), Lucas (6), Francesca (5), and Max (9 months).

Smile – in motion.

I Love Grammy and Opa’s House

There was a serious lack of orange in my wardrobe, so we headed up to Syracuse.  I got to visit King David’s, play Rummikub with Grammy, hang out with my great-grand-Bocky, and buy some cool onesies at Manny’s.


My First Trip to the Palace Diner

Well, it’s official … the Palace Diner’s chocolate chip cookies are bigger than a baby’s head!  I can’t wait until I get some teeth!  Shortly after this picture was taken my mommy and daddy wrestled this cookie out of my arms and demolished it.

Ooooooh Say Can You See?

This is my favorite face …

Nap Time

The only question is: great time, or the GREATEST time?