Monthly Archives: June 2013

1 Month


97th Percentile, Baby!

I had my one month check up with the pediatrician, and I’m pleased to report that I now weigh 11 lbs 8 oz, I’m 22.5 inches long, and my head is 16 inches in circumference.  That means I’m in the 75th percentile for height and weight and the 97th percentile for head size.  What can I say?  I have a lot of brains to hold!  Opa calls me Megamind … I don’t see the resemblance, what do you think?


In the beginning I could only have sponge baths, but ever since my umbilical cord (my “billy,” as my Dad called it) fell off on June 5th, I can now enjoy real baths.  And that means I also get to enjoy all of the sweet animal-shaped washcloths and animal-head towels that come with them!  Of course, nothing is as fun as nibbling on my own hand …
